[GSC-Diversity-All] Fwd: Ambassadors needed

Elizabeth Margarette Clay eclay at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 16 14:52:20 EDT 2006

Hi all,

We will discuss this more at tomorrow evenings Diversity Committee meeting in
addition to other upcoming opportunities.


----- Forwarded message from cmjones at MIT.EDU -----
    Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:28:18 -0400
    From: "Christopher M. Jones" <cmjones at MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: "Christopher M. Jones" <cmjones at MIT.EDU>
 Subject: Ambassadors needed
      To: Christopher Jones <cmjones at mit.edu>

Dear Graduate Students,

The Graduate Students Office is formally launching an Ambassadors
program.  Our goal with this initiative is to send graduate students to
recruit for (and represent) MIT at major conferences (NSBE, SHPE,
ABRCMS, etc.), graduate school fairs (AUC grad fair, UMich grad fair,
etc) and on individual school visits.

Everyone can participate in some way.  Here's how:
1)  Please review the attached list of Conferences and Graduate School
2)  If you are available and interested in attending, let us know (we
are looking to send 3-4 students to conferences and 1-2 students to
grad fairs);
3)  If you are interested in accompanying me to a visit to your home
institution (I'll visit several schools over the next few months), send
an email indicating where you attended.  If your school is not on the
list, fret not, we can still to a visit;
4)  If you know of other conferences/fairs that are not on the list,
but that would be a great recruiting event, please let us know; and
5)  Be prepared to send information (about our summer program and our
fall preview weekend) to your former faculty member and program
directors (at your undergraduate institutions).

Number one and two are most important right now and will receive the
majority of our attention.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dean Jones

----- End forwarded message -----

Master of City Planning Candidate, 2007
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Co-Chair, Diversity Committee, GSC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

617.699.1514 (Mobile)
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Christopher M. Jones
Assistant Dean for Graduate Students
Graduate Students Office
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 3-138
Cambridge, MA. 02139
617-253-9462 (voice)
617-253-5620 (fax)

For more information on our 10-week summer research program (MSRP),
please visit http://web.mit.edu/gso/msrp

For more information on our Fall Campus Preview Weekend (CONVERGE),
please visit http://web.mit.edu/converge

		"Low aim, not failure is sin."
				-Dr. Benjamin E. Mays
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