[E&E seminars] ESI News: CNN coverage of Climtate Engineering Symposium

Kurt Sternlof kurtster at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 29 10:52:00 EDT 2009

Hi Everyone,


CNN.com has just published a story in advance of tomorrow's symposium:


Engineering a Cooler Earth: Can We Do It? Should We Try?


You can read the story at:


And there is still time to pre-register for the dwindling number of
available seats...simply send an email to esinfo at mit.edu with the words
"Symposium Registration" in the subject line before 2pm today.  Detailed
information on the symposium....program, abstracts and speaker bios...is
available at http://web.mit.edu/esi.


Even if you don't manage to pre-register, come by the registration table
outside Wong Auditorium tomorrow morning by 8 am to register on-site for any
remaining seats.







Kurt Sternlof, Ph.D.

Executive Director

MIT Earth System Initiative


kurtster at mit.edu


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