[E&E seminars] Jon Wellinghoff, Chairman of the FERC

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 29 15:15:55 EDT 2009

  [Friday Oct 30 4-5pm] MIT Energy Club presents: Jon Wellinghoff,  
Chairman of the FERC [E51-395]

  In Pursuit of Demand Side Resources:  A Greener FERC

Please come and hear Jon Wellinghoff, Chairman of the The Federal  
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which regulates US electricity  
rates, grids, and resource adequacy.  Jon Wellinghoff, a long - time  
leading advocate of meeting our resource needs with greater reliance  
on energy efficiency and demand response, as well as renewable energy,  
will discuss the rationale and plans for national policy, including  
the recent assessment of Demand Response Potential.

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