[E&E seminars] authors@mit Friday - Nicholas Ashford, " Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics"

John P Jenkins jjenkins at MIT.EDU
Mon May 11 19:31:37 EDT 2009

authors at mit presents:


Reclaiming the Environmental Agenda

Friday, May 15th, 2009, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
MIT E51-145, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge
MAP: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=E51

Please join us as Nicholas Ashford, Professor of Technology and Director of
the Technology and Law Program at MIT, shows how environmental law cases
have led to important legal, economic, and scientific developments, and how
use of the law can stimulate technological change and industrial

³Ashford and Caldart have produced an extraordinary book sweeping across the
scientific complexity, legal underpinnings, economic logic, and policy
challenges of environmental protection...this book offers an indispensable
foundation for those seeking to understand society¹s approach to
environmental challenges.² < Daniel C. Esty, Yale Law School

Nicholas Ashford  is Professor of Technology and Director of the Technology
and Law Program at MIT.

"Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics" is published by the MIT Press.

The book is co-authored by Charles C. Caldart, Director of Litigation of the
National Environmental Law Center and a Lecturer in the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering at MIT.

This event is open to the public, free, and wheelchair accessible.

For more information call (617) 253-5249, email <authors at mit.edu>, or visit

This event is sponsored by authors at mit, a lecture series cosponsored by MIT
Libraries and The MIT Press Bookstore.


authors at mit
a lecture series 
sponsored by 
MIT Libraries and 
The MIT Press Bookstore
<authors at mit.edu>

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