[E&E seminars] AltWheels - 28-29 Sept'07, Boston City Hall Plaza

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 18 12:21:23 EDT 2007

*** AltWheels Alternative Transportation and Energy Festival

Friday and Saturday, Sept 28-29, AltWheels returns to Boston City  
Hall Plaza. Major auto manufacturers, Chevrolet, VW, Ford and Toyota  
will be displaying alternative vehicles, such as the Ford Edge  
Hydrogen Plug-in HySense (TM). There will also be a broad range of  
alternative energy and energy efficiency exhibitors at the Festival.  
Details about the Festival are available at http://www.altwheels.org

*** Need for AltWheels Volunteers

AltWheels is also in the need of volunteers, especially for Boston  
City Hall Plaza exhibitor and sponsor setup.  If you're interesting  
in alternative vehicles and fuels for corporate fleets, there are  
volunteering opportunities for Fleet Day on Mon. October 1st.  If  
you're interested in volunteering, please register at http:// 

Stephen R. CONNORS
MIT Laboratory for ENERGY and the ENVIRONMENT        (lfee.mit.edu)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Director, AGS Energy Flagship Program
Director, AGREA - Analysis Group for Regional Energy Alternatives
Massachusetts INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY	  tel: (001) 617 253 7985
One Amherst St.  Room E40-441           fax: (001) 617 253 8013
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA  	         email:   connorsr at mit.edu

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