[E&E seminars] Hydrology Seminar Friday 21st September 3pm

Rebecca Gianotti rlg at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 19 10:02:55 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,


Professor Steve Margulis will be presenting at this week's hydrology
seminar, on Friday 21st September at 3pm in room 48-308.


The title of his presentation is "Toward the characterisation of snowpack
from space-borne satellite measurements: A multi-frequency multi-scale data
assimilation approach".


Prof. Margulis is an alumnus of the Parsons Lab and a former student of
Prof. Entekhabi's and Prof. McLaughlin's. 


Prof. Margulis has kindly provided us with an abstract of his presentation,
which is attached.


Hope to see you there,


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