[E&E seminars] ETIP seminars at Harvard

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 28 12:24:31 EST 2007

Seminars of interest at Harvard -

Begin forwarded message:

> Future seminars in the ETIP seminar series are:
> March 13, 2007
> Aleks Kalinowski, ETIP Fellow
> A Review of Research on Geological Storage of CO2 in Australia and  
> the USA
> April 10, 2007
> Jennie Stephens, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and  
> Policy, Clark University
> State-level Socio-political Influences on Deployment of Emerging  
> Energy Technologies: A Framework for Characterization
> April 24, 2007
> Ananth Chikkatur, ETIP Fellow
> Status of the Coal Sector and Advanced Coal Technology in India
> Everyone is welcome, but please do arrive promptly.  Coffee and tea  
> will be served.
> Unless otherwise noted, all spring 2007 ETIP seminars are held on  
> Tuesdays at 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM in the Belfer Center Library,  
> Littauer 369, JFK School of Government
> For more information, please visit the ETIP website at http:// 
> bcsia.ksg.harvard.edu/energy,
> or contact the ETIP Project Coordinator at sam_milton at harvard.edu
> _______________________________________________
> Sam Milton, MALD
> Project Coordinator, Energy Technology Innovation Project
> Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs
> Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
> 79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
> (617) 496-5584 phone, (617) 495-8963 fax
> http://bcsia.ksg.harvard.edu/energy

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