[Editors] Recommending a designer

Eve Sullivan annals at mit.edu
Fri Mar 5 19:13:07 EST 2010

Hello Editors and Editorial Assistants and Publishing Services,

I would like to recommend Jana Bull - her contacts are below - who did  
a great job with a book that my nonprofit published independently.
She has also done a number of promotional pieces for us. She is  
prompt, professional and just plain top-notch.

Sorry I missed the February meeting.

Eve Sullivan
Editorial Assistant, Annals of Physics
and (during my out of school time) Founder, Parents Forum

Begin forwarded message:
> From: Jana Bull <janabull at verizon.net>
> Date: February 21, 2010 11:53:04 AM EST
> To: Eve Sullivan <annals at mit.edu>
> Subject: Re: MIT Editors' Club...
> hello eve, thanks for thinking of me. absolutely,  please include me  
> and i would appreciate any recommendations... thank you! jana
> On Feb 19, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Eve Sullivan wrote:
>> hi jana, would you like me to recommend you to the mit publishing  
>> services bureau?  please let me know.  i will be happy to do so,  
>> needless to say!  you could submit Where the Heart Listens as a  
>> portfolio piece.  mmmm... shameless self-promotion there.  smile.  
>> regards, eve
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Elizabeth A Thomson <thomson at MIT.EDU>
>>> Date: February 19, 2010 2:20:07 PM EST
>>> To: "editors at mit.edu" <editors at mit.edu>
>>> Subject: [Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, Feb. 2010
>>> *Meeting Notes from February 11, 2010*
>>> *Working with the Publishing Services Bureau*
>>> Coincidentally, a day or so before this meeting of MIT Editors'  
>>> Club, I got a nice note from one of our members telling me about a  
>>> freelance editor she'd worked with and would like to recommend to  
>>> other members. How should she proceed? I suggested that she start  
>>> by calling Monica Lee or Bara Blender of the Publishing Services  
>>> Bureau, because the PSB is a great clearinghouse for "vendors"  
>>> associated with communications. As a result, her freelance editor  
>>> could potentially find many more MIT clients. But....was I right  
>>> to send her to Monica and Bara? WAS this something they could help  
>>> with? At the time, I simply thought that that's what *I* would  
>>> do---especially since Monica and Bara have always gotten back to  
>>> me in the past on a range of queries.
>>> Since this meeting was hosted by Monica and Bara, I asked them  
>>> directly (if a tad belatedly). The answer: "We're always looking  
>>> for talented people," said Monica. "If you're working with someone  
>>> who's really good, we definitely want to hear about [her]." The  
>>> PSB keeps lists of printers, writers, photographers, editors, web  
>>> programmers and others related to communications. Then, if you or  
>>> I call the PSB looking for help with a given project, they'll have  
>>> folks to recommend. Monica explained that once a potential vendor  
>>> contacts them, they'll conduct an evaluation of that person's work  
>>> (based on CV, samples, etc.). Obviously, great recommendations  
>>> from past MIT clients are helpful....
> bulldesign
> 21 central street
> acton, ma 01720
> 978. 266. 9252
> janabull at verizon.net

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