[Editors] CMS for a large Word document

Thalia Rubio trubio at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 3 07:37:05 EST 2010

Dear all

A colleague is looking for a specific kind of CMS (content management system)
and I was wondering if someone on this list can help. He asks me:

Have you used any, preferably free, CMS to store a large Word document where
its component parts may be stored separately, and wherefrom you can
reassemble the Word document when you need? I am talking of a 150-200 page
document with lots of graphs, charts and tables, where some of the text is
boilerplate while other is customized for each report either manually or
based on data-driven calculations.

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Thanks very much


Thalia Rubio, M.Ed.
Lecturer, Program in Writing & Humanistic Studies
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 12-111
Cambridge, MA 02139
Email: trubio at mit.edu

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