[Editors] communications staff position (preliminary notice)

Anne Slinn slinn at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 8 06:42:16 EST 2010

Dear MIT Editors & Communications Professionals,

A notice of a new comunications staff opening is being prepared for  
MIT's Jobs website and I seek feedback on the description (below) and  
recommendations of other outlets for the announcement to best reach  
prime candidates. Suggestions, comments and questions will be most  
helpful if received by Wednesday. Thanks in advance.


Anne Slinn
Assistant Director
MIT Center for Global Change Science, and
MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Tel: 617-253-4902, slinn at mit.edu


Title: Communications Officer, Joint Program on the Science and Policy  
of Global Change
Department: Center for Global Change Science
Location: Cambridge MA
FT/PT: Full Time
Employment / Payroll Category: SRS (Administrative)

COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, Joint Program on the Science and Policy of  
Global Change, to facilitate external communications, manage the  
dissemination of public information, and coordinate outreach. The MIT  
Joint Program is devoted to the integration of social science, natural  
science and policy analysis as applied to global environmental issues,  
primarily climate change (see http://globalchange.mit.edu/). The  
incumbent will function as a writer/editor, webmaster, and public  
information officer to promote the program’s research and newsworthy  
activities. Will develop and implement plans and manage resources for  
communications efforts in support of the program’s mission; monitor  
progress toward goals, evaluate performance, anticipate issues, and  
with input from program directors devise solutions; work with program  
directors to produce newsletter content for sponsor liaisons in  
industry, government, foundations; work with researchers to translate  
complex ideas and technical findings to prepare highlights for public  
release; assure clearance of written materials prior to publication;  
coordinate with MIT news office to feature program news; manage  
electronic and print publications and maintain shared resource of  
graphics/photos; and organize program participation in educational  
outreach activities. This is a new, full-time, term position for one  
year with possibility of extension.

REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline (e.g.,  
environmental science or engineering, economics, public policy,  
journalism); advanced degree or equivalent background with experience  
in communicating complex concepts to lay audiences preferred.  
Excellent writing and interpersonal skills, supervisory experience,  
thorough understanding of the tools of modern publishing and website  
management, ability to work independently and with a diverse  
interdisciplinary group, and ability to prioritize and meet deadlines.  
Familiarity with global change issues and demonstrated understanding  
of climate science and economic/policy analysis is highly desired;  
willingness to learn is essential. Salary level commensurate with  

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