[Editors] Recommendation for writer/editor/art director/communications consultant

Andrea Cohen alcohen at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 19 12:22:06 EDT 2007

Dear All,

In case anyone is looking for an extremely talented writer/editor/art 
director/communications consultant (yes, genuine Renaissance person), 
I  highly recommend Emily Hiestand.

As a writer, Emily's awards include a National Magazine Award (for an 
article in The Atlantic Monthly), and as a photographer, her work 
includes, yes, the 2007 MIT Sea Grant calendar. And a whole lot in 

Emily's resume is attached, and her URLs are:



Andrea Cohen, Communications Manager             617.253.3461    (phone)
MIT Sea Grant College Program                 	        617.252.1615 
Bldg. NE20-378, 3 Cambridge Center       	           alcohen at mit.edu
77 Massachusetts Avenue 
Cambridge, MA  02139
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