[Editors] Invitation 6/26 usability webinar
Monica Lee
molee at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 15 10:33:22 EDT 2007
To: Communications Workshop list members, Information Group, Editors
List, WebPub
Dear colleagues,
The MIT Publishing Services Bureau is hosting a webinar on
usability-driven home page design, presented by Academic Impressions;
an overview follows below. Attendees will join us in the conference
room we've reserved to access the audio/web connection. After the
webinar, Michael Dutton will give an overview of MIT's usability
Usability-driven home page design
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
1-3:30 p.m. (webinar from 1-3 p.m.; MIT usability overview from 3-3:30 p.m.)
Location to be provided with registration confirmation; seating is limited
RSVP by June 22
RSVP online at
or email <mailto:rsvpcommworkshops at mit.edu>rsvpcommworkshops at mit.edu.
Please include the following:
Event: Usability
MIT department
Phone number
Quentin Alexander will email you to confirm your enrollment. If you
have specific questions, email Bara Blender at
<mailto:bblender at mit.edu>bblender at mit.edu.
We hope to see you there.
Monica Lee
PSB director
College and university websites are being redesigned to integrate new
technologies and organize expanding content. The best of these
designs are easy to navigate and effectively advance the
institution's brand. Yet striking a balance between site usability,
branding and communication can be challenging, as it involves input
from so many stakeholders.
A user-centered design strategy can help aid this decision-making
process by testing design assumptions with user research. The process
begins by considering the usability of each page element from the
perspective of the various audiences. By engaging users throughout
the design process, you are able to get the feedback you need to
guide each design and implementation decision.
- Adopting a user-centered design strategy and developing a project plan
- Researching industry best practices
- Deploying indirect and direct methods for data collection
- Analyzing data and communicating the results
- Assessing design and determining the parameters for redesign
Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office 617.258.9380
MIT communications workshops and seminars are provided to members of
the MIT community who create and manage communications programs for
their departments, labs or centers. Any member of the MIT community
may join this mail list. The workshops are sponsored by Publishing
Services Bureau and are created and offered by MIT staff. In
addition, we host several presentations and webinars each year that
are offered by external groups.
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