[Editors] Request for information on online forums

William Litant wlitant at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 26 12:42:20 EDT 2004

Just one thought - set up something simple that won't take a lot of 
your time (and there's a bunch of freeware and shareware available), 
at least for starters. It's my experience that some - many - groups 
request online forums and then they don't use them. In many cases, 
I've found an easily-created Athena mailing list works just fine.

Bill Litant

>>Hello Everyone,
>>One of our ESD constituencies is interested in setting up a web-enabled
>>password-protected forum where they can discuss issues and upload postings
>>There are a range of options out there as well as services provided by MIT's
>>own Web Communications Services and Lois Slavin and I wondered if you had
>>experience with any of these options and whether you might recommend any of
>>them.  We seek options that are reliable, low maintenance yet customizable.
>>Any information you could provide would be appreciated.
>>Many thanks,
>>Karen Vagts
>>Communications and Electronic
>>Content Coordinator
>>Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) & Systems Design and Management (SDM)
>>Engineering Systems Division (ESD)
>>Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
>>tel: 617.452.3031
>>email: vagtsk at mit.edu

A couple of months in the laboratory can save a couple of hours in 
the library - Westheimer's Discovery

William T.G. Litant
Director of Collaborator Development, International CDIO Initiative
Communications Director, Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts  Ave. 37-395
Cambridge, MA 02139
wlitant at mit.edu
(617) 253-1564

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