Fwd: [Editors] Request for information on online forums
Margaret Meehan
mmeehan at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 26 10:52:20 EDT 2004
AMPS web team develops web tools such as the one you describe. Contact
<mailto:mwbrown at mit.edu>Mark Brown for more information or see
http://web/amps/portfolio/cases/ for case studies.
>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>From: "Karen Vagts" <vagtsk at MIT.EDU>
>To: <editors at mit.edu>
>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 10:02:32 -0400
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>Hello Everyone,
>One of our ESD constituencies is interested in setting up a web-enabled
>password-protected forum where they can discuss issues and upload postings
>There are a range of options out there as well as services provided by MIT's
>own Web Communications Services and Lois Slavin and I wondered if you had
>experience with any of these options and whether you might recommend any of
>them. We seek options that are reliable, low maintenance yet customizable.
>Any information you could provide would be appreciated.
>Many thanks,
>Karen Vagts
>Communications and Electronic
>Content Coordinator
>Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) & Systems Design and Management (SDM)
>Engineering Systems Division (ESD)
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
>tel: 617.452.3031
>email: vagtsk at mit.edu
>Editors mailing list
>Editors at mit.edu
Margaret M. Meehan
Web Content Writer & Editor
Academic Media Production Services
617 252 1661
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