[Editors] Request for information on online forums

Nancy DuVergne Smith ndsmith at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 26 12:19:16 EDT 2004

Hi Karen,

You might check out two web based options:

Blogs - have been hot for several years. Group or solo blogs can be 
set up in a matter of minutes with free software at blogger.com. 
There are other companies too. You can quickly add text or photos. I 
think you could put a blog inside a password protected area of a 
server to provide security. Check out blogger: 
http://www.blogger.com/start  or here are some examples of political 
blogs: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-adv/marketing/blog/.

Wikis - this is newer and ESD is just piloting a version for the IT 
Council. Wikis let a group - designated or open to all - change 
existing web pages to correct, add comments, or post new material. 
Again, you could put it in password protected area. This seems aimed 
mostly at collaboration, so may not be the best choice for a forum. 
Check out the 'Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

good luck!

>Hello Everyone,
>One of our ESD constituencies is interested in setting up a web-enabled
>password-protected forum where they can discuss issues and upload postings
>There are a range of options out there as well as services provided by MIT's
>own Web Communications Services and Lois Slavin and I wondered if you had
>experience with any of these options and whether you might recommend any of
>them.  We seek options that are reliable, low maintenance yet customizable.
>Any information you could provide would be appreciated.
>Many thanks,
>Karen Vagts
>Communications and Electronic
>Content Coordinator
>Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) & Systems Design and Management (SDM)
>Engineering Systems Division (ESD)
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
>tel: 617.452.3031
>email: vagtsk at mit.edu
>Editors mailing list
>Editors at mit.edu

Nancy DuVergne Smith, Communications Director
Center for  Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development
MIT E40-207a, 77 Mass. Ave., Cambridge MA 02139
ndsmith at mit.edu

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