[Editors] Request for information on online forums

Karen Vagts vagtsk at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 26 10:02:32 EDT 2004

Hello Everyone,

One of our ESD constituencies is interested in setting up a web-enabled
password-protected forum where they can discuss issues and upload postings

There are a range of options out there as well as services provided by MIT's
own Web Communications Services and Lois Slavin and I wondered if you had
experience with any of these options and whether you might recommend any of
them.  We seek options that are reliable, low maintenance yet customizable.

Any information you could provide would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

Karen Vagts
Communications and Electronic
Content Coordinator
Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) & Systems Design and Management (SDM)
Engineering Systems Division (ESD)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
tel: 617.452.3031
email: vagtsk at mit.edu

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