[ecco-support] Question about the atmospheric state estimation in MITgcm

Huangsj shaojianhuang at smail.nju.edu.cn
Mon Nov 29 22:19:53 EST 2021

Dear ECCO group

I am a graduated student in the school of atmospheric science from Nanjing University. I've recently run the MITgcm model (llc90 version) for my study and I found that the near surface atmospheric state estimation was driven by the ERA Interim re-analysis fields. For my research need, I want to change the near surface atmospheric state estimation by adding the snow precipitation. So I download the snowfall data and try to input the data into the model. However, the model kept report errors. Is there any special process in dealing with the input data? I would be very grateful indeed for any help you could give me.

Best wishes
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