[Dspace-general] Brad McLean joins DSpace Foundation as Technical Director

Michele Kimpton michele at dspace.org
Tue Jun 3 12:17:00 EDT 2008

Dear DSpace community,

I pleased to announce that Brad McLean has joined the DSpace  
Foundation team on June 1 as the Technical Director for the  
Foundation.  In his role as the Technical Director he will work  
directly with the community, and in specific the committers and  
developers to improve the code contribution process, come up with a  
technical roadmap, and work on removing roadblocks in getting out new  

Brad will also be spearheading the technical coordination required to  
work with partners/projects interested in working with the DSpace  
community, such as Zotero.org, the driver initiative,Sakai project,  
Fedora commons and others that have similar goals of enabling open  
source tools for open access and archiving of digital content.

Bradley McLean is a longtime open source contributor starting with  
linux 1.x kernel drivers.  His last position was Chief Systems  
Architect for Constant Contact, Inc (CTCT), where he migrated their  
software platform to an  open source environment.

In past digital information related work, Brad was a major contributor  
to both the KnowledgeCite and WebSPIRS products of SilverPlatter  
Information Inc ( now Ovid Technologies), and was an active  
participant in the development of Z39.50-1992 and 1995, including the  
implementations for SilverPlatter and Gaylord Information Systems (now  
Polaris Library Systems).

Please join me in welcoming Brad to the community and help us work  
collectively to provide innovative open source tools to enable  
permanent access to our digital collections.

You can email Brad at Brad at dspace.org

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation

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