[Dspace-general] [Dspace-tech] seeking sample records & suggestions for Portable Citations (Summer of Code)

Richard MAHONEY r.mahoney at iconz.co.nz
Wed Apr 25 00:40:19 EDT 2007

Hi Jodi,

On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 15:51, Jodi Schneider wrote:

> I'm Jodi Schneider, one of the Google Summer of Code students. I'm
>  writing to ask for your input on my project on Portable Citations.
> Do you have particular needs or requirements that Portable Citations
>  should meet? I'd like to start by gathering samples of bibliographic
>  records from different sources, to get a concete idea of what
>  *exactly* my code should do. Would you be willing to share some sample
>  records of the sort that you would like to import? 

Thanks for your note. Its always so good to asked what it is that one
needs! Speaking for myself, BibTeX import and on-the-fly export as a
priority, RIS and Endnote next, though for me, both are really some
distance behind BibTeX. [BTW. And this may not be news to you, but
`Bibutils' does a reasonably decent job of converting between MODS,
BibTeX, RIS and Endnote and back.] All of the standard BibTeX formats,
brief and full, are available in the file `xampl.bib' found in the
TeTeX distribution. Not many permutations really, perhaps the main
trouble for importing is in mapping all the fields to the less than
expressive Dublin Core.  

The content follows (I'm hoping that its not butchered in

**** begin xampl.bib ****

@preamble{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
	# "\newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} "
	# "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} "
	# "\newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} " }

   author = {L[eslie] A. Aamport},
   title = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System},
   journal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal},
   year = 1986,

   author = {L[eslie] A. Aamport},
   title = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System},
   journal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal},
   year = 1986,
   volume = 41,
   number = 7,
   pages = "73+",
   month = jul,
   note = "This is a full ARTICLE entry",

The KEY field is here to override the KEY field in the journal being
cross referenced (so is the NOTE field, in addition to its imparting

   crossref = {WHOLE-JOURNAL},
   key = "",
   author = {L[eslie] A. Aamport},
   title = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System},
   pages = "73+",
   note = "This is a cross-referencing ARTICLE entry",

   key = "GAJ",
   journal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal},
   year = 1986,
   volume = 41,
   number = 7,
   month = jul,
   note = {The entire issue is devoted to gnats and gnus
		(this entry is a cross-referenced ARTICLE (journal))},

   author = "Donald E. Knuth",
   title = "Fundamental Algorithms",
   publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
   year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973",
   chapter = "1.2",

   author = "Donald E. Knuth",
   title = "Fundamental Algorithms",
   volume = 1,
   series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
   publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
   address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
   edition = "Second",
   month = "10~" # jan,
   year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973",
   type = "Section",
   chapter = "1.2",
   pages = "10--119",
   note = "This is a full INBOOK entry",

   crossref = "whole-set",
   title = "Fundamental Algorithms",
   volume = 1,
   series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
   edition = "Second",
   year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973",
   type = "Section",
   chapter = "1.2",
   note = "This is a cross-referencing INBOOK entry",

   author = "Donald E. Knuth",
   title = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
   publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
   year = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981",

   author = "Donald E. Knuth",
   title = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
   volume = 2,
   series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
   publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
   address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
   edition = "Second",
   month = "10~" # jan,
   year = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981",
   note = "This is a full BOOK entry",

   crossref = "whole-set",
   title = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
   volume = 2,
   series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
   edition = "Second",
   year = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981",
   note = "This is a cross-referencing BOOK entry",

   author = "Donald E. Knuth",
   publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
   title = "The Art of Computer Programming",
   series = "Four volumes",
   year = "{\noopsort{1973a}}{\switchargs{--90}{1968}}",
   note = "Seven volumes planned (this is a cross-referenced set of

   key = "Kn{\printfirst{v}{1987}}",
   title = "The Programming of Computer Art",

   author = "Jill C. Knvth",
   title = "The Programming of Computer Art",
   howpublished = "Vernier Art Center",
   address = "Stanford, California",
   month = feb,
   year = 1988,
   note = "This is a full BOOKLET entry",

   author = "Daniel D. Lincoll",
   title = "Semigroups of Recurrences",
   booktitle = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
   publisher = "Academic Press",
   year = 1977,

   author = "Daniel D. Lincoll",
   title = "Semigroups of Recurrences",
   editor = "David J. Lipcoll and D. H. Lawrie and A. H. Sameh",
   booktitle = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
   number = 23,
   series = "Fast Computers",
   chapter = 3,
   type = "Part",
   pages = "179--183",
   publisher = "Academic Press",
   address = "New York",
   edition = "Third",
   month = sep,
   year = 1977,
   note = "This is a full INCOLLECTION entry",

   crossref = "whole-collection",
   author = "Daniel D. Lincoll",
   title = "Semigroups of Recurrences",
   pages = "179--183",
   note = "This is a cross-referencing INCOLLECTION entry",

   editor = "David J. Lipcoll and D. H. Lawrie and A. H. Sameh",
   title = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
   booktitle = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
   number = 23,
   series = "Fast Computers",
   publisher = "Academic Press",
   address = "New York",
   edition = "Third",
   month = sep,
   year = 1977,
   note = "This is a cross-referenced BOOK (collection) entry",

   key = "Manmaker",
   title = "The Definitive Computer Manual",

   author = "Larry Manmaker",
   title = "The Definitive Computer Manual",
   organization = "Chips-R-Us",
   address = "Silicon Valley",
   edition = "Silver",
   month = apr # "-" # may,
   year = 1986,
   note = "This is a full MANUAL entry",

   author = "{\'{E}}douard Masterly",
   title = "Mastering Thesis Writing",
   school = "Stanford University",
   year = 1988,

   author = "{\'{E}}douard Masterly",
   title = "Mastering Thesis Writing",
   school = "Stanford University",
   type = "Master's project",
   address = "English Department",
   month = jun # "-" # aug,
   year = 1988,
   note = "This is a full MASTERSTHESIS entry",

   key = "Missilany",
   note = "This is a minimal MISC entry",

   author = "Joe-Bob Missilany",
   title = "Handing out random pamphlets in airports",
   howpublished = "Handed out at O'Hare",
   month = oct,
   year = 1984,
   note = "This is a full MISC entry",

@STRING{STOC-key = "OX{\singleletter{stoc}}"}

@STRING{ACM = "The OX Association for Computing Machinery"}

@STRING{STOC = " Symposium on the Theory of Computing"}

   author = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis
   title = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits",
   booktitle = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # STOC,
   year = 1983,

   author = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis
   title = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits",
   editor = "Wizard V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis",
   booktitle = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # STOC,
   number = 17,
   series = "All ACM Conferences",
   pages = "133--139",
   month = mar,
   year = 1983,
   address = "Boston",
   organization = ACM,
   publisher = "Academic Press",
   note = "This is a full INPROCEDINGS entry",

   crossref = "whole-proceedings",
   author = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis
   title = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits",
   organization = "",
   pages = "133--139",
   note = "This is a cross-referencing INPROCEEDINGS entry",

   key = STOC-key,
   title = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # STOC,
   year = 1983,

   editor = "Wizard V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis",
   title = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # STOC,
   number = 17,
   series = "All ACM Conferences",
   month = mar,
   year = 1983,
   address = "Boston",
   organization = ACM,
   publisher = "Academic Press",
   note = "This is a full PROCEEDINGS entry",

   key = STOC-key,
   organization = ACM,
   title = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # STOC,
   address = "Boston",
   year = 1983,
   booktitle = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # STOC,
   note = "This is a cross-referenced PROCEEDINGS",

   author = "F. Phidias Phony-Baloney",
   title = "Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases",
   school = "Fanstord University",
   year = 1988,

   author = "F. Phidias Phony-Baloney",
   title = "Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases",
   school = "Fanstord University",
   type = "{PhD} Dissertation",
   address = "Department of French",
   month = jun # "-" # aug,
   year = 1988,
   note = "This is a full PHDTHESIS entry",

   author = "Tom Terrific",
   title = "An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} Sorting Algorithm",
   institution = "Fanstord University",
   year = 1988,

   author = "Tom T{\'{e}}rrific",
   title = "An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} Sorting Algorithm",
   institution = "Fanstord University",
   type = "Wishful Research Result",
   number = "7",
   address = "Computer Science Department, Fanstord, California",
   month = oct,
   year = 1988,
   note = "This is a full TECHREPORT entry",

   author = "Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood and Ned {\~N}et and Paul {\={P}}ot",
   title = "Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results",
   note = "Talk at Fanstord University (this is a minimal UNPUBLISHED

   author = "Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood and Ned {\~N}et and Paul {\={P}}ot",
   title = "Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results",
   month = nov # ", " # dec,
   year = 1988,
   note = "Talk at Fanstord University (this is a full UNPUBLISHED

   key = {Volume-2},
   note = "Volume~2 is listed under Knuth \cite{book-full}"

**** end xampl.bib ****

Thanks for taking up this project, and best of luck.

Best regards,

  Richard Mahoney

Richard MAHONEY | internet: http://indica-et-buddhica.org/
Littledene      | telephone/telefax (man.): +64 3 312 1699
Bay Road        | cellular: +64 27 482 9986
OXFORD, NZ      | email: r.mahoney at indica-et-buddhica.org
Indica et Buddhica: Materials for Indology and Buddhology
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