[Dspace-general] DSpace for e-theses

Richard Jones richard.d.jones at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Dec 19 05:50:10 EST 2006

Hi Folks,

> 	Of interest to those using DSpace for ETDs: 
> <http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00007938/>.
> 	Some of the technical concerns in this paper have been addressed, but the 
> criticism of DSpace's search capabilities is still quite relevant.

I spent a little time preparing some notes on the specific problems that 
are brought up in the Calgary report:


My general conclusion is that this is a lack of information about DSpace 
being available readily during evaluation.


Richard Jones            | t: +44 (0)20 759 [48614 / 41815]
Web & Database           | e: richard.d.jones at imperial.ac.uk
   Technology Specialist  | b: http://chronicles-of-richard.blogspot.com/
Imperial College London  |

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