[Crosstalk] OEIT hosting ELI Fall Focus Session on Open Educational Content (free to the MIT community), 9/14-9/15

Brandon Muramatsu mura at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 7 16:30:51 EDT 2011

For convenience, here's a direct link to the Agenda in PDF
see if there are any sessions that interest you.


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Toru Iiyoshi <iiyoshi at mit.edu> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> OEIT invites members of the MIT community interested in learning more about
> Open Educational Content to join us for the webcast of the ELI Fall Focus
> Session on Open Educational Content on Wednesday, September 14 and Thursday,
> September 15 (from 12 through 5:30pm each day) in NE48-3027.
> Please find more information at:
> http://oeit.mit.edu/blog/OEIT-hosts-ELI-session-Open-Ed-Content
> Topics include Open Educational Content and the Obama administration, Open
> Textbooks, Community Colleges and open education, and a number of other
> project updates.
> This will be an informal event, OEIT is offering up access to our
> registration to others at MIT that might be interested. Peter Wilkins and
> Brandon Muramatsu from OEIT will be sitting in on selected sessions, and are
> happy to help individuals participate in sessions. We suggest you take a
> look at the full schedule and email Peter (pwilkins at mit.edu) with the
> sessions you are interested in attending.
> Best regards,
> Toru
> ===========================================================
> Toru Iiyoshi, Ph.D.
> Senior Strategist
> Office of Educational Innovation and Technology
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue
> NE48-308, Cambridge, MA 02139
> Phone : (617) 715-2461
> Fax   : (617) 452-4044
> Email : iiyoshi at MIT.EDU
> Web   : http://www.toruiiyoshi.com
> ===========================================================

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