[ASA-Official] ASA GBM and Elections, CPW announcements
Rachel E Meyer
remeyer at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 1 21:26:30 EDT 2011
Dear Student Group Officers,
Please take note of the following announcements:
1. ASA Spring General Body Meeting - Tuesday 4/12 at 6pm
2. ASA Executive Board Elections
3. CPW Midways Requests Overdue
4. Admissions CPW Publicity Tables
5. New Fifth or Fiftieth Summer Mailing
1. ASA Spring General Body Meeting - Tuesday 4/12 at 6pm
The Spring ASA General Body Meeting will be on Tuesday 4/12 at 6pm. The
main item of business will be the elections for the 2011-2012 ASA
Executive Board. More information about elections is below and further
agenda information and a location will be announced on a later date.
All groups are required to send a representative to this meeting. GBMs
are the primary way for the ASA and student groups to communicate in
person and serve as an opportunity for groups to check-in with ASA and
vice-versa. Groups that do not send a representative group may face
consequences including but not limited to warnings, fines, resource
restrictions, and derecognition for inactivity.
Note: club sports and FSILGs are excused from this meeting as long as
their respective governing organization attends; however these groups are
eligible to receive a vote if they send a representative.
2. ASA Executive Board Elections
At the Spring GBM we will be electing ASA Executive Board members for the
2011-2012 term. This includes elections for: President, Treasurer,
Secretary, two Graduate Members-at-Large, two Undergraduate
Members-at-Large, and one Student Member-at-Large.
Details about ASA Executive Board positions and elections are posted at
To help groups be better informed coming into the meeting, we are inviting
interested candidates to provide information prior to the meeting. If you
are interested in running for a position, please submit candidacy
information as described on that elections webpage. These pages should
describe which groups you are involved in, which ASA Board positions you
are interested in, and any further information you wish to provide. We
will post these sheets three days before the elections for the General
Body to consider. However, you can submit sheets at any time before or
after that time. Sheets will be posted as time allows during those three
days and nominations will also be accepted off the floor at the meeting.
If you would like to nominate someone besides yourself, please send an
email with their name to asa-elect at mit.edu and we will contact them about
submitting information. Please direct any questions about this process or
about any of these positions to asa-elect at mit.edu or
asa-president at mit.edu.
3. CPW Midways Requests Overdue
The ASA Activities Midway for CPW 2011 will be held on Saturday, April
9th, from 1-3pm in the Johnson Athletics Center. The Activities Midway is
a great way to meet prefrosh and show off the breadth and depth of student
groups at MIT.
Booth and performance requests were due yesterday, however we will be
accepting late requests for the next 24 hours. Past that time, further
requests will likely be put on a waitlist or receive space wherever there
may be vacant tables.
More information and the request form for table space and/or a performance
time are at: http://mit.edu/asa/publicity/midway.html. Requests are due
by Thursday, 3/31, at 11:59pm.
4. Admissions CPW Publicity Tables [from Admissions]
CPW 2011 is on its way!!
Want more publicity for your student group?
Have an interesting demonstration to show off?
Want to sell tickets, food, etc.?
Reserve CPW Table Space!!!
Thursday 4/7 and Friday 4/8
*** Lobby 10 or in the Student Center ***
Reservation requests must be sent to Lauren Avalos lava at mit.edu by Sunday
4/3 at 11:59pm. Spaces will be allocated on a first-come, first-served
5. New Summer Mailing
Recent discussions amongst the members of the Association of Student
Activities Executive Board have reminded us that many groups have trouble
both recruiting new members and maintaining institutional memory in the
face of the typical four year turnover rate for undergraduates and only
slightly higher rate for graduate students. While many companies will have
people working full-time for years, giving ample time to learn "on the
job", student groups rarely have that luxury.
Building on the success of the First Year Summer Mailing (the original
FYSM), the Association of Student Activities will be producing a Fifth (or
Fiftieth) Year Summer Mailing to encourage alumni participation in our
student groups. Of course, alumni participation must be limited --- under
ASA rules, at least half of any group must be students --- but some alumni
members can both boost the size of a group and provide valuable long-term
stability and knowledge.
We hope you will take advantage of this valuable recruitment opportunity.
The FYSM can be previewed at https://asa.mit.edu:444/db2.0/fysm/. new
entries can be submitted at
As always, the ASA welcomes additional suggestions for how to better serve
you. Feel free to contact us at asa-exec at mit.edu at any time.
The ASA Executive Board
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