[ASA-Official] General Body Meeting reminder/agenda; call for nominations for election
Keone Hon
keone at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 16 07:37:12 EST 2008
Dear Student Group Officers,
This is a reminder that the ASA General Body Meeting will be held TOMORROW
on Monday, November 17 at 7 pm in 34-101. Check-in begins at 6:30 pm, so
come early if you can to avoid the lines.
The agenda for the meeting is below. Please note that we will be
electing two positions to serve for the rest of the year (from now
until May 2009): one Graduate Member-at-Large (must be a graduate
student) and one Student Member-at-Large (can be an undergraduate or
graduate student). If you are interested in running, please send your
platform (preferably in the form of one powerpoint slide) to
asa-president at mit.edu. There will also be an open call for
nominations during the meeting.
Please direct any questions to asa-exec at mit.edu.
AGENDA: ASA General Body Meeting
Mon, Nov 17, 7 pm in 34-101
1. Introductions
1a. ASA board
1b. SAO staff
2. Announcements from Exec
2a. LEF/ARCADE update
2b. ASA Projects update
2c. Finboard IAP/spring allocations reminder
2d. Reminder to update lists
2e. List of newly-recognized groups
3. Group derecognition
4. New group recognition criteria
5. Special elections
5a. Graduate Member-at-Large
5b. Undergraduate Member-at-Large
6. Closing announcements/good of the order
The main topic of this term's general body meeting is a set of
recognition criteria being proposed by the ASA Executive Board. We
held two town hall forums to answer your questions about the proposed
changes, and have compiled a document detailing the motivation and
implementation of these changes at
Thank you to the groups that submitted an anti-hazing form since our
last reminder on Tuesday. The list has been updated, so you can check
that your group's anti-hazing form was received and acknowledged at
For groups that still have not signed an anti-hazing form, we have
e-mailed the officers' list and president and treasurer based on their
database listing with a final reminder.
Groups that still have not signed an anti-hazing form by the time of
the General Body Meeting will be announced then, and there will be a
vote to derecognize them.
Although we have tried to put in place multiple opportunities for
groups to verify their existence, this process highlights the
importance of maintaining updated information. At your earliest
convenience, please make sure that your listing in the ASA database
(http://web.mit.edu/asa/database/index.html) is correct; e-mail us if
any changes are necessary. Also, please check that your group's
officer list is subscribed to asa-official at mit.edu by visiting
http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/asa-official. You can make
sure you're subscribed by entering the list name and selecting the
"unsubscribe or edit options" button.
The ASA Executive Board
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