[Asa-official] GBM and Mailbox Allocations

ASA Exec asa-exec at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 5 11:01:19 EST 2007

Dear Student Groups,

// Spring General Body Meeting (Elections) //

The Spring GBM will be held on Wednesday, April 11th at 7pm in 10-250. 
We will be having elections for 8 of the 10 positions on the ASA 
Executive Board. (The other 2 of the 10 are appointed.)

We will be holding an information session on Thursday, March 15th at 
5:30pm in W20-400 for all those interested in running for an ASA 
position or curious about what the ASA does and how it runs. We strongly 
encourage student group leaders to consider running for an ASA position. 
Please feel free to email asa-exec at mit.edu (publically archived list) or 
asa-president at mit.edu (if you wish your email to remain private) with 
any questions.

// Mailbox Allocations //

The ASA will be purchasing new mailbox units that will be placed just 
outside of the UA Office on the 4th floor of W20. Two mailbox sizes will 
be available, and groups will no longer need to enter the UA Office in 
order to retrieve their mail. To apply for a mailbox, please fill out 
the application at 
http://web.mit.edu/asa/resources/mailbox_fysm_questions.html (please 
answer the question about the First Year Summer Mailing as well). The 
deadline is **Thursday, March 15th**. You will be notified of whether 
your group was granted a mailbox (and if so, which one) by April 1st.

Please feel free to email asa-exec at mit.edu (publically archived list) or 
asa-president at mit.edu (if you wish your email to remain private) with 
any questions, comments, or concerns.

The ASA Executive Board

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