[Tango-A] 2 more days for early bird reduction Tangomagia festival - Amsterdam

M de Vries zandunga at xs4all.nl
Thu Sep 28 05:30:24 EDT 2006

Dear tango dancers,


Only 2 days left before the early birds - deadline for the 9th Tangomagia
festival in Amsterdam

(27 - 30 December 2006).


Receival of reservation and payment before October 1st gives

you a reduction of 10% on your total reservation.


Please check our website for the complete programme and online reservations:

www.tangomagia.com <http://www.tangomagia.com/>  


If you have any questions don't hesitate to send an e-mail to our office


reservations at tangomagia.com 



Tangomagia Office: Moneir Bardai

tel: 00 31 20 663 94 69  ( tue/wed/thu  12:00-17:00 )



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