[Mitai-announce] Emergency meeting at 4:30, room TBA

Shankar Mukherji mukherji at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 27 14:01:04 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,

We received word from a fellow MIT student that her mother, a practitioner of
Falun Gong, has been arrested in China.  Falun Gong members have been subject
to brutal repression by the Chinese government for years now and we are all
very nervous about the student's mother.  We will be meeting to call the
Chinese embassy to inform them that we know about the case and that we demand
that she be treated well in detention and released immediately if she has not
committed a crime.  Here is some information compiled by the student:

Information about my mother is below:
Name: Yan, Ning
D.O.B: 10/05/1956
Home Address:
10-2-301 Cuishui Yuan, Meijiang Street
Hexi District, Tianjin 300221, China
Currently being held at Tianjin Hexi District Detention Center.

If you cannot make it to the meeting itself, please feel free to call on your
own.  The main number to the Chinese embassy in Washington is (202) 328-2500
(the Chinese Embassy has deleted their "Contact Us" webpage, but I think they
forgot to delete their phone number at the bottom of the page!).  Remember to
say that you are a member of the MIT chapter of Amnesty International.

Let's hope we can help out.


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