[Mitai-announce] SUDAN LOBBY 10 TABLE

Emily C Havens emily13 at MIT.EDU
Sat Sep 18 12:02:41 EDT 2004

Hello everyone,

So far I've had three replies, which is really great (thanks guys :-) but we
need more people!  Please let me know which time(s) you can work.

9    Emily
10   Emily, Aram
11   Antone, Aram, Aron
3    Emily
4    Emily

So... as you can see, we really really really need people who can work from
noon to three.  (Antone, Aram, and Aron.... it would be ideal if one of the 
three of you could work an hour from 12-3 rather than from 11-12... let me
know if that's possible.)

Two days and counting...

MIT Amnesty Secretary

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