[Mitai-announce] DARFUR EVENT - LOBBY 10 TABLE

Emily C Havens emily13 at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 19 20:49:55 EDT 2004

Hello everyone,

We have someone manning the table for every hour tomorrow, but it would be
really great to have more than one person there if possible.  No need to
e-mail me now... just show up.  Also, if you aren't able to work the booth
tomorrow you should definitely stop by and sign the petition.... maybe donate
some money.

The schedule for tomorrow is as follows:

9   Me
10  Me, Aram
11  Antone, Aram, Aron
12  Matt
1   Giovanni
2   Giovanni
3   Me
4   Giovanni

Please e-mail me if you are on this list and you have a problem with your
scheduled time.

Also, all print-outs for this event are located in my athena directory.  Please
feel free to print out anything you wish.


Hope to see a lot of you tomorrow and Tuesday evening!

MIT Amnesty Secretary

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