[WinPartners] Last Chance: IT Partners Spring 2007 Conference registration

IT Partners Planning Team rsvp-itpartners at MIT.EDU
Mon May 21 07:50:31 EDT 2007

If you've been waiting for the last minute to register for the IT  
Partners Spring 2007 conference, that moment has come! Registrants  
should have received a separate email message confirming their  
details. If you did NOT receive such an email, you are NOT  
registered, and should respond to this message to confirm your  

Thursday, May 31, 2006
9am - 5pm
Badge Pickup outside of Kirsch Auditorium, Stata Center, 32-123

The IT Partners full day conference will feature presentations and  
training sessions on a variety of important topics. The sessions will  
take place in classrooms located in the Stata Center (Building 32)  
and adjacent Building 36.

We have a great program, starting with Michail Bletsas, our keynote  
speaker, and ending with Jeff Schiller. The usual vendors including  
Apple, Dell, GovConnection, and Office Depot will be present. Our  
traditional "prize draw" at the end of the day will include two  
laptops, one from Apple and one from Dell. You must be present to win!

Please send email to rsvp-itpartners at mit.edu to confirm your  
attendance (reply to this message).

A draft agenda for the conference is attached.

We hope to see you on May 31.

Helen Rose
for the IT Partners Planning Team
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