[WinPartners] Update on problems with recent Microsoft patches (svchost.exe process)

alexander kozlov akozlov at MIT.EDU
Tue May 15 14:14:02 EDT 2007

Good Afternoon,

On Tuesday May 8, 2007 Microsoft released the latest batch of monthly
Windows Updates. For community members using the MIT IS&T Windows Automatic
Update Service (WAUS) the release date was Thursday May 10, 2007. Related to
these Microsoft updates some users started experiencing slowness on their
computers which was a result of the CPU utilization reaching 100 percent for
prolonged periods involving the svchost.exe process.

Microsoft identified the problem which occurred for both the Microsoft's
Automatic Update and MIT's WAUS users and released a hotfix to resolve this

NOTE: If you have not experienced the problem, our recommendation is to do
nothing and the fix will be applied through the standard update procedures
later in May.  If you are experiencing this issue, please follow the
Microsoft hotfix instructions below to resolve the issue.

Microsoft recommends those having this issue install both KB927891 and the
new WSUS 3.0 client:

Microsoft's KB927891 is a downloadable hotfix which can be found at the
following URL: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927891/

The new WSUS 3.0 client is available for download via the following URL:

In some occasions installing these updates did not fully fix the problem. If
you are still seeing issues with svchost.exe after applying patch 927891 and
the new WSUS client, confirm that you are using WSUS 3.0 client. (File
version of C:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll should be 7.0.6000.374). Then
contact the Computing Help Desk for additional assistance.

If you have questions about this issue or need assistance, please contact
the Computing Help Desk at computing-help at mit.edu or (617) 253-1101.

Alexander Kozlov
Windows Platform Coordinator
Software Release Team
Information Services & Technology
W92-148, Cambridge, MA 02139

Tel  (617) 253-5103
Fax (617) 258-8736

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