[WinPartners] Viruscan 8 trouble with new Dell security software.

Philip R Thompson phils at MIT.EDU
Thu May 18 17:44:07 EDT 2006

We just bought a Dell Latitude 620 with Dell installed Embassy Trust 
Suite from Wave.com.  It is incompatible with MIT Viruscan8 (w/ patch 11).

The machine will come to a stop as soon as Viruscan tries to start its 
services.  The installation fails to finish and after forcing a reboot 
the machine comes to a stop again after logins.

To fix, you can do a "msconfig" in safe mode and disable McAfee's 
services, reboot, remove the Embassy Trust Suite and reinstall Virusscan.

This is based on the experience of one machine, so any further 
corroboration is welcome.  Of course, the McAfee site makes no mention 
of this.

Philip R. Thompson
Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology              email: phils at mit.edu
Room 9-520                                           tel: 617-253-3535
105 Massachusetts Avenue                             fax: 617-253-3625
Cambridge, MA 02139

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