[WinPartners] Fwd: 2005 Steven Wade Neiterman Award Nominations

Ginny Williams ginnyw at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 14 15:12:42 EDT 2005


I though you might find this interesting.


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From: "Jerry Grochow" <jgrochow at MIT.EDU>
To: <it-partners at mit.edu>, <it-lead at mit.edu>, <aac-aoquery at mit.edu>,
    <ed-tech at mit.edu>, <is&t at mit.edu>
Subject: 2005 Steven Wade Neiterman Award Nominations
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 12:02:00 -0400
Organization: MIT
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I am writing to call your attention to the nomination process for the 2005
Steven Wade Neiterman Award.  As many of you know, this award is presented
annually to one or two individuals working anywhere at MIT in an information
technology capacity.  All members of the MIT Community may nominate an IT
colleague.  Nominees can be anyone with a part-to-full time MIT appointment
who devotes at least 50% effort to providing IT services (IS&T directors and
members of the nominating committee excluded).

Steven Wade Neiterman worked at MIT for 11 years and was a beloved member of
the Information Systems staff.  His work and life exemplified many excellent
qualities and it is these that we look for in making this award.  Nominees
for the award should consistently demonstrate the following in their
professional and personal life:

   o  collaborative problem solving
   o  coaching colleagues
   o  team building
   o  creating community
   o  sharing knowledge
   o  getting things done, and
   o  commitment to MIT

Nominations may be completed on-line at:


where you will also find more information about Steve and the Neiterman
Award.  Alternatively, nominations may also be submitted on paper through
the campus mail (c/o Office of the Vice President for Information Services
and Technology, Room 10-219, MIT). All nominations must be received no later
than 5 pm Monday, April 25, 2005.

The recipient or recipients of the Neiterman Award will be announced at the
final home game for the MIT baseball team on May 3.  Presentation of the
$1000 award per recipient will be made at that time.

Inquiries may be directed to neiterman-award at mit.edu.

Jerry Grochow
Jerrold M. Grochow, Ph.D.
Vice President for Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 10-219
Cambridge, MA 02139
jgrochow at mit.edu

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