[WinPartners] Winpartners / MacPartners 2nd Annual Summer Social: 6/28/2004,N42-Demo Center, 12-2pm

Bryant C. Vernon bcvernon at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 18 16:27:10 EDT 2004

Hi Everyone!

Please join us at 12pm on June 28, 2004 in the N42 Demo Center to celebrate Summer, the upcoming DNC, and enjoy the friendly banter between Windows and Macintosh aficionados! In addition to the tasty barbeque and excellent conversation, this year we've invited vendors from Microsoft, HP, Dell, IBM, and Apple to attend and answer any questions you may have about their respective products. 

You may be asking yourself now, "What more can they offer us?" Well, not only do we plan to have a raffle before 1pm, but for the second year in a row, I personally contacted Steve Jobs and convinced him to hold Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference at a time that coincided with our social. Yes, you guessed it--that means he will once again give his keynote speech at 1pm EST. After the social, we invite you to view the keynote speech on the big screen in the N42 Demo Center (http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=n42).

Please RSVP to me by June 21st if you plan to attend (bcvernon at mit.edu). 

All the Best,

Bryant C. Vernon 
Product Release Coordinator
Software Release Team 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
t: 617-253-5103
f: 617-258-8736
m: bcvernon at mit.edu

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