[WinPartners] Recommendations for external hd for backup use?

Christine Verick verick at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 3 17:28:27 EST 2004

Hi Winpartners!

I'm e-mailing on behalf of a helpdesk client, Roberta Brawer, who is 
interested in purchasing
a 200gb external hard drive for backup purposes. It also needs to be 
USB. She's hoping to purchase
one this weekend.

She is not subscribed to winpartners as yet, so please cc: 
roberta at mit.edu on your responses.

She is currently looking at the Maxtor One Touch II, but she hasn't 
seen many reviews for it
good, bad or ugly and would like to know if others have any opinions to offer.

Her requirements:
1. Reliable (most important)
2. Easy to use
3. Reasonably priced

Govconnection has one listed:
Maxtor One Touch II 200GB Hard Drive
Platform: N Mf #:E01A200 $211.40
Item #: 5529552

She wanted to see if this was USB, but the Maxter page does not have 
this listed as 200gb. It
says it's only a 250gb hard drive so I'm not sure if this is a typo 
on Govconnection.

Thanks for any help you can offer!


Christine Verick
Information Services & Technology
MIT Computing Helpdesk
verick at mit.edu
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