[WebPub] [abcd-www] March 9th - Re-Imagining Web Development for Academic Research Centers

Prasad, Raman M raman_prasad at harvard.edu
Tue Mar 1 06:59:03 EST 2016

Hello MIT WebPub,

Next Wednesday, March 9th, we are excited to have Ed Carlevale present "Re-Imagining Web Development for Academic Research Centers<http://w3.abcd.harvard.edu/ai1ec_event/ed-carlevale-re-imagining-web-development-for-academic-research-centers/?instance_id=>."

Interdepartmental, often multi-institutional, large-scale academic research centers such as Harvard's Wyss Institute<http://wyss.harvard.edu/> and Center for the Environment<http://environment.harvard.edu/> often have communication goals and functionality requirements that reach far beyond most academic websites. This presentation, geared to communication teams within those centers, will explore new strategies to meet those challenges, including:

  *       Wikipedia-style presentation of content
  *       Intranet development for grant reporting, journal article development, expertise wikis, research team management, media libraries, eBook publishing, and more
  *       Efficient management of content across a fleet of websites

This talk will be of interest to communication teams, administrators and technical staff involved with complex academic websites. Platforms and topics to be discussed include Drupal, WordPress, Open Scholar, Pantheon for EDU, Acquia Site Factory, content migration, and site maintainability.

  *   When: March 9th, 3:30-5:00pm
  *   Title: Re-Imagining Web Development for Academic Research Centers<http://w3.abcd.harvard.edu/ai1ec_event/ed-carlevale-re-imagining-web-development-for-academic-research-centers/?instance_id=>
  *   Who: Ed Carlevale, MIT Front-End Web Developer, responsible for building websites for some of MIT’s most noted faculty, research centers, and student groups
  *   Where: Lamont Library, Forum Room

NOTE: Attendees without a Harvard ID card need to RSVP<mailto:raman_prasad at harvard.edu?subject=RSVP%20for%20March%209th> for building access.


Raman, Donna, and Dan

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