[WebPub] Presentation: MIT and Drupal 8: Getting from here to there
Edmund Carlevale
ecarl at mit.edu
Wed Sep 30 14:03:48 EDT 2015
I’m making another presentation (Monday, 3-4 pm, 3-370)<http://events.mit.edu/event.html?id=16471903&date=2015/9/21> this one a straightforward technical demonstration of functionality and site development in the context of the major changes bundled into Drupal 8.
As part of the presentation I start with an overview of Drupal development at other top tier schools and have started to post that information here<http://drupalgroup.mit.edu/content/drupal-other-universities>. I’ve only done Stanford and Berkeley so far (with Harvard, Dartmouth, Yale and CalTech next). But it’s already very much worth a look to get a sense of what’s happening development-wise at other top tier schools. Stanford and Berkeley (and MIT Medical) hosts their sites on Pantheon, and Dartmouth and Harvard on Acquia Cloud. I host my MIT sites on Pantheon. I knew what they were doing must be amazing because their developers are all over various discussion boards, but you really should check it out.
The thing that jumps out at me is Berkeley’s pricing plan<https://ist.berkeley.edu/services/catalog/web/drupal> The $75 monthly plan is what I would love to see take hold at MIT. The MIT Energy Club website<http://mitenergyclub.org> is on this plan, but Pantheon charges us $100 per month because there’s no group discount. But I have the Energy Night website, and all the different stand-alone energy community websites (e.g., Joules, Solar, Wind, etc) running on Organic Groups within the club’s main site, and I still think it’s a bargain for $100 monthly, or $1200 yearly. And I have the Energy Conference<http://mitenergyconference.org> and Clean Energy Prize<http://cep.mit.edu> sites each on the $25 monthly plan.
In any case, please invite your department’s Administrative Officers and research center’s Program Managers and other administrators to Monday’s presentation. This is an Institute-wide discussion, with ideas and structures that I haven’t yet seen at MIT but which are the norm at peer institutions. Drupal 8 is going to take all this to yet another level and the time to understand and embrace that, or develop alternative strategies, is now.
Ed Carlevale
MIT Drupal Group<http://drupalgroup.mit.edu>
Monday, October 05, 2015
MIT and Drupal 8: Getting from here to there
Speaker: Ed Carlevale | MIT Drupal Group
Time: 3:00p–4:00p
Location: 3-370<http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=3-370&mapsearch=go>
Drupal 8 is currently rolling out and it introduces significant changes to Drupal's back-end that will strengthen Drupal's entrenchment within MIT and other universities, and also bring significant changes on the front-end. But getting from here to there, with MIT???s mix of Drupal 6 and 7 sites, is the current challenge. This presentation will discuss Drupal's new functionality, its relevance to MIT, and suggest pathways for moving forward during the coming year of transition.
Web site: http://drupalgroup.mit.edu
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