[WebPub] Two workshops on the Pantheon EDU Platform

Edmund Carlevale ecarl at mit.edu
Thu Nov 19 10:22:42 EST 2015

Hi folks,

I’m organizing two workshops on the new Pantheon EDU Platform, tentatively scheduled for the first two Mondays in December. I’m convinced Pantheon EDU is a game changer because of the way it makes so much power available at the level of configuration. What has held academic web development back is shellack of in-house expertise for site management. So I’m trying to grow the community of Web Managers who can step into that gap and use Pantheon EDU to run a fleet of websites within academic units like departments, schools, and research centers. Pantheon’s structure allows for an amazingly flexible network of collaboration, and I’ve started building a blueprint <http://drupalgroup.mit.edu/> of how individual universities can leverage this.

The workshops are open to anyone working at a university or college, so please let anyone know whom you think might be interested.



Ed Carlevale
Front-End Web Development

MIT Energy Club <http://mitenergyclub.org/>
MIT Drupal Group <http://drupalgroup.mit.edu/>
MIT Energy Conference <http://mitenergyconference.org/>
Clean Energy Prize <http://cep.mit.edu/>

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