[WebPub] Screencast suggestions for Drupal Cloud?

Edmund Carlevale ecarl at mit.edu
Wed May 13 14:27:27 EDT 2015


I’m going to be doing some screencasts to cover basic topics with Drupal Cloud, so if anyone has any requests, or topics that would be helpful for their users, let me know and I’ll do those first.

I started with one on the Biblio module (http://drupalgroup.mit.edu/mit-drupal-cloud-users-group/drupal-cloud-screencasts/using-biblio-module <http://drupalgroup.mit.edu/mit-drupal-cloud-users-group/drupal-cloud-screencasts/using-biblio-module>), and the next two will be on 1) creating new content types (i.e., a research page, a profile page, etc), and then 2) the Views necessary to create new landing pages and sidebar blocks to show this kind of content.

After that I’ll get into some theming basics with CSS.



Web Developer and Site Maintainer
MIT Drupal Group <http://drupalgroup.mit.edu/>
MIT Energy Club <http://mitenergyclub.org/>
MIT Energy Conference <http://mitenergyconference.org/>
MIT Clean Energy Prize <http://cep.mit.edu/>
MIT Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems <http://canes.mit.edu/>
Chisholm Research Group <http://chisholmlab.mit.edu/>
Polz Research Group <http://polzlab.mit.edu/>
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