[WebPub] Thursday - May 14th - React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces

Prasad, Raman M raman_prasad at harvard.edu
Mon May 4 23:04:34 EDT 2015

Hello MIT WebPub,

Please join us next Thursday, May 14th, for a talk by Jeff Winkler<http://w3.abcd.harvard.edu/ai1ec_event/jeff-winkler-reactjs/>, an organizer of the ReactJS Boston Meetup.

We will be learning about the React javascript library<https://facebook.github.io/react/>.  Created by Facebook and Instagram, React has been embraced by companies and organizations including Airbnb,<https://medium.com/code-stories/dev-chats-spike-brehm-of-airbnb-87e155f3475d> Khan Academy<http://joelburget.com/backbone-to-react/>, Reddit, the BBC<http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/internet/entries/47a96d23-ae04-444e-808f-678e6809765d>, and Code Academy<http://www.infoq.com/articles/reactjs-codecademy>.  (The preceding links describe developer experiences integrating react into their production sites.)

This talk will be especially interesting for those using or planning to use javascript libraries such as angularJS, backbone.js, ember.js, and others.

On May 14th, Jeff Winkler will present the following:

- We will cover an introduction to React, mixed with demos.
- From there, we will examine how React implements Computer Science principles from Functional and Object-Oriented, and consider their impact on maintainable large-scale systems.

In addition to the ReactJS Boston Meetup<http://www.meetup.com/ReactJS-Boston/>, Jeff works with React professionally at TapJoy<http://home.tapjoy.com/> and runs http://react.rocks. We are looking forward to his talk.

When: May 14th, 3:30-5:00pm
Title: React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Who: Jeff Winkler,  Co-organizer, Boston ReactJS Meetup. Full-stack guy. ReactJS, Rails, TDD. Best OODA loop wins.
Where: Lamont Library, Forum Room

NOTE: Attendees without a Harvard ID card need to RSVP<mailto:raman_prasad at harvard.edu> for building access.


Donna and Raman

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