[WebPub] [abcd-www] TOMORROW - Ari Daniel Shapiro - Carving story out of science

Tremonte, Donna dtremont at oeb.harvard.edu
Tue Jan 13 09:42:38 EST 2015

Hello MIT WebPub,

Just a friendly reminder about our talk tomorrow, on Wednesday we are excited to have Ari Daniel Shapiro, Producer of Story Collider, NPR Correspondent, and independent science reporter and multimedia producer, who will speak about "Carving story out of science<http://w3.abcd.harvard.edu/ai1ec_event/ari-daniel-shapiro-carving-story-out-of-science/>.”

Summary: Science is full of stories — stories of wonder, of change, and of mystery. And my job as a reporter is to tell those stories in a way that makes listeners and viewers lean in, and think about their world in a different and lasting way. I’ll tell you about how I try to do that, and share with you a bit about my journey — from scientist to journalist — as well as talk about the tech behind making the stories.

Bio: Ari Daniel has always been drawn to the natural world.  As a graduate student, Ari trained gray seal pups (Halichoerus grypus) for his Master’s degree at the University of St. Andrews and helped tag wild Norwegian killer whales (Orcinus orca) for his Ph.D. at MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  These days, as a science reporter for public radio and NOVA, Ari records a species he’s better equipped to understand – Homo sapiens.  In the fifth grade, Ari won the “Most Contagious Smile” award.  www.aridanielshapiro.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.aridanielshapiro.com&d=AwMF-g&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=y4xSmNRb1tNjvlg8AMpqYos_NWIfHwWBXV2VP92-2i0&m=BtH8pZ8aoxh_qy__53CheJpxFAVbhVG9tyeBLv4eXfg&s=lV2XfM6Oo0Xfy3Fg0Uq0p7BOnNvEaxeU0fNS-tpHx7g&e=>

NOTE: Attendees without a Harvard ID card need to RSVP<mailto:dtremont at oeb.harvard.edu> for building access.

When: January 14th @ 3:30-5:00pm
Title: Carving story out of science
Who: Ari Daniel Shapiro, Producer of Story Collider, NPR Correspondent, and independent science reporter and multimedia producer
Where: Lamont Library, Forum Room

Donna, Raman and Eric

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