[WebPub] MIT Professional Education announces second offering of Tackling the Challenges of Big Data

Sarah Foote sfoote at mit.edu
Thu Sep 18 12:18:36 EDT 2014

Dear editors, communicators, and web-pub members,
Please share this announcement with your colleagues, networks, and corporate partners regarding an online course offered through MIT Professional Education Online X Programs (a ten percent discount code is included below).
The course, Tackling the Challenges of Big Data<https://mitprofessionalx.edx.org>, is open to all MIT employees. Sessions begin November 4, 2014, and then again on February 3, 2015. The course is eligible for tuition assistance<http://hrweb.mit.edu/benefits/tuition-education/tuition-assistance-plan> reimbursement for qualifying MIT and Lincoln Lab employees. The cost of the course is $545.
Course flyer can be found here: http://web.mit.edu/professional/pdf/oxp-docs/BigDataCourseFlyer.pdf

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MIT Professional Education announces second offering of Tackling the Challenges of Big Data
Online course to be offered in November and February
Due to the initial success of the online course Tackling the Challenges of Big Data<https://mitprofessionalx.edx.org>, MIT Professional Education announces the second offering of the highly regarded online course. Two sessions are available -- beginning November 4, 2014, and then again on February 3, 2015.
The six-week online course, aimed at technical professionals and executives, tackles state-of-the-art topics in big data ranging from data collection, storage and processing, to analytics and visualization, as well as addresses a range of real world applications. Twelve faculty experts from CSAIL will again lead the course with enhanced features such as: improved platform, extended duration, and archived access to video tutorials.
Upon successful completion of all course requirements, participants will receive an MIT Professional Education certificate of completion, MIT CEUs (continuing education credits) and access to MIT Professional Education's expansive, global professional alumni network.
A 10 percent discount is also available using the code: PEBD10 when registering.
Registration is now open: https://mitprofessionalx.edx.org.
For general questions, please email: onlinex-registration at mit.edu<mailto:onlinex-registration at mit.edu>.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Sarah Foote

Sarah Foote
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Professional Education
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building E48-401
Cambridge, MA  02139
Phone:  617-253-3115
Fax:    617-258-8831
Email:  sfoote at mit.edu<mailto:sfoote at mit.edu>
Web: http://shortprograms.mit.edu<http://shortprograms.mit.edu/>

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