[WebPub] link checker tool for Mac?

Tremonte, Donna dtremont at oeb.harvard.edu
Mon Dec 15 12:14:48 EST 2014

I use Integrity and like it.

From: Remlee Green <remlee at mit.edu<mailto:remlee at mit.edu>>
Date: Monday, December 15, 2014 at 12:12 PM
To: "webpub at mit.edu<mailto:webpub at mit.edu>" <webpub at mit.edu<mailto:webpub at mit.edu>>
Subject: [WebPub] link checker tool for Mac?

Hi, WebPub,

Anyone know of a good link-checking program for Macs?  I loved Xenu for PC, and I’ve been trying Integrity/Scrutiny for Mac, but it takes forever to run, and it keeps timing out when I try to search for a link.

Specifically, I need to be able to search for a URL & find all of the web pages across our 3 domains (libraries.mit.edu, libguides.mit.edu, & libanswers.mit.edu) that link to that URL, so I can update links to obsolete pages.  This is a task I do often, so it needs to be relatively fast & simple, and I need to be able to save a report, so I don’t have to crawl our sites every time I need to search for links.

Any ideas?  Or any Scrutiny or Integrity users out there that have tips?


Remlee Green
UX Specialist & Web Manager
MIT Libraries
remlee at mit.edu<mailto:remlee at mit.edu>
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