[WebPub] Two Drupal presentations this week

Mark J. Pearrow mpearrow at csail.mit.edu
Tue Nov 19 09:36:15 EST 2013

Pantheon is a great commercial platform, similar to Drupal Gardens ( http://www.drupalgardens.com/ ) - Pantheon seems to be more developer-oriented than Drupal Gardens, which is good if you want to roll up your sleeves and get under the hood.

The $400 a month offering from Pantheon:


looks to be pretty stack-equivalent to the free MIT departmental/program/research group web publishing solution, http://drupalcloud.mit.edu - minus the custom MIT-specific modules for Touchstone, the events calendar, bibliography tool, et al. that people not at MIT would not need. 


On Nov 18, 2013, at 3:13 PM, Ed Carlevale <ecarl at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> The MIT Drupal Group is hosting Pantheon Co-Founder Matt Cheney for a presentation at MIT on Thursday night to introduce their new Pantheon One platform. I've hosted the MIT Drupal Group website on Pantheon for the last year, the MIT Energy Club's new website will go live on Pantheon in the coming month, and the Energy Conference  is there as well.  I'll say flatout that Pantheon is the best environment for developing and maintaining a Drupal website, and the Pantheon One platform takes this to the level of high-volume, multi-site development.
> Related to this, I'm making a presentation at MIT at noon on Wednesday, "A Drupal Distribution for MIT Programs, Departments,  and Research Groups: A New Approach to Web Development at MIT."  Right now I manage about 25 websites running on 8 different environments, using 300+ contributed modules and various pieces of 7 different distributions. My goal is to have a single distribution (MIT Dx) running on a single platform (Pantheon), out of which I can build the same program, departmental, and research group websites I'm currently building. The gain in maintainability and efficiency will be enormous, and will allow me to shift energy from back end development to front end communication and user-interface optimization. I'll be showing this distribution on Wednesday, in situ on the Pantheon platform.
> Finally, I welcome anyone with Drupal questions to come to the weekly MIT Drupal Group Meetups I've been running on Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm,  3-442.
> A Drupal Distribution for MIT Programs, Departments, and Research Groups: A New Approach to Web Development at MIT
> Speaker: Ed Carlevale, MIT Drupal Group
> Wednesday, November 20, 12:00p–1:00p
> Building: 3-270
> Create Once, Deploy Everywhere: How Drupal and Pantheon One are Changing Higher Ed Web Development
> Speaker: Matt Cheney, Co-Founder and Head of Products at Pantheon
> Thursday, November 21, 6:30p–8:30p
> Building: Tang Center, E51-315
> Thanks!
> Ed Carlevale
> Drupal Developer and Site Maintainer
> 	http://ebics.net
> 	http://mitenergyclub.org
> 	http://drupalgroup.mit.edu
> Office: (617) 324-7115
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