[WebPub] Fwd: [msgs] Twitter's holding an engineering showcase in Boston this Thursday evening, Aug. 22

Chris Peterson @ MIT chris.peterson at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 20 14:00:26 EDT 2013


Sent by the magic of mobile technology.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jim Youll <jim at media.mit.edu<mailto:jim at media.mit.edu>>
Date: August 20, 2013, 1:54:24 PM EDT
To: "msgs at media.mit.edu<mailto:msgs at media.mit.edu> agent" <msgs at media.mit.edu<mailto:msgs at media.mit.edu>>
Subject: [msgs] Twitter's holding an engineering showcase in Boston this Thursday evening, Aug. 22

Media Labbers (and/or your friends from across the 'tute)... you're invited to a Twitter engineering
at an engineering showcase across the river (but not too far) this Thursday.

If you're curious about working/interning at Twitter, or just want to learn more about how the
Tweet Factory* works (maybe both) here's a chance. It's free. The snacks will probably be quite good.

(RSVP link at end of message)

The ML's own Prof. Deb Roy, now Chief Media Scientist at Bluefin/TwitterTV will present.
His work offers fresh insights into social media ( I don't mean /love it/ or /hate it/ but really,
/understand/ how it's perceived by the various players. He has excellent perspective and great
clarity in communicating his group's findings.

- jim

The invitation from Twitter Engineering:

Want to learn how @TwitterBoston Engineering is changing the world for mobile and TV?

Come check out what we're building, hacking, and shipping!
Featuring keynote speakers:
   • Alex Roetter - VP of Applications Engineering
   • Wayne Chang - GM, Crashlytics // The Future of Mobile
   • Deb Roy - Chief Media Scientist // Bluefin & Twitter TV
We'll also be hosting a poster session showing off the awesome projects our TwitterTV and Crashlytics engineering teams are working on.
See you there!

Revere Hotel Boston Common
200 Stuart Street
Boston, MA 02116
Thursday, August 22, 2013 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)


* Tweet Factory is not official Twitter nomenclature for /anything/. But that's what I call it :)
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