[WebPub] Responsive design: Opportunities and challenges for news sites | Media news | Journalism.co.uk

Eric S Keezer ekeezer at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 13 16:59:23 EST 2012

When viewed on a desktop and iPad, the average character count of a line on time.com<http://time.com> and beta.guardian.co.uk<http://beta.guardian.co.uk> reaches over 100+ rather than the optimum<http://www.webtypography.net/Rhythm_and_Proportion/Horizontal_Motion/2.1.2/> average of 66. It's something to consider if you still have an audience on those devices.

Eric Keezer
Sr. Graphic Designer
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Office of Communications
MIT Resource Development
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On Nov 9, 2012, at 3:31 PM, Chris Peterson @ MIT wrote:

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