[WebPub] Fwd: [abcd-www] Brown Bag lunch with Peter Morville - "The importance of information architecture in the era of mobile, social, and cross-channel communications" -- March 15, 2012, 12-1pm

Tremonte, Donna dtremont at oeb.harvard.edu
Wed Mar 14 21:56:57 EDT 2012

Dear WebPub,

Just wanted to share the good fortune. If you can make it to the the talk TOMORROW, please make sure you RSVP to infomanagement at hbs.edu<mailto:infomanagement at hbs.edu> so they can get a bigger room if needed.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mynampaty, Ravi" <rmynampaty at hbs.edu<mailto:rmynampaty at hbs.edu>>
Date: March 14, 2012 9:27:59 PM EDT
To: "abcd-www at abcd.harvard.edu<mailto:abcd-www at abcd.harvard.edu>" <abcd-www at abcd.harvard.edu<mailto:abcd-www at abcd.harvard.edu>>, "abcd-library at abcd.harvard.edu<mailto:abcd-library at abcd.harvard.edu>" <abcd-library at abcd.harvard.edu<mailto:abcd-library at abcd.harvard.edu>>
Subject: [abcd-www] Brown Bag lunch with Peter Morville - "The importance of information architecture in the era of mobile, social, and cross-channel communications"  -- March 15, 2012, 12-1pm

Hi Everyone,

I know this is short notice but we’ve decided to open up this talk to the ABCD community and hope you can join us.  If you *are* able to attend, please take a moment and send an email to infomanagement at hbs.edu<mailto:infomanagement at hbs.edu> indicating that you will be there so that we can get an accurate count—thanks in advance.  We look forward to seeing you at the event—detailed description at the bottom of this email.

Time & Place:
March 15, 2012, 12:00-1:00 pm
Harvard Business School, Cumnock 102
HBS Campus Map:  http://www.hbs.edu/about/visit.html
RSVP:  infomanagement at hbs.edu<mailto:infomanagement at hbs.edu>

Ravi Mynampaty
HBS Knowledge & Library Services

HBS Knowledge and Library Services invites you join us to hear Peter Morville – THE guru of web information architecture, search and findability – give an exciting and timely presentation to the HBS community. The talk will take place Thursday, March 15 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in Cumnock 102. You are welcome to bring your lunch. Cookies and beverages will be provided.  Please pass this invitation on to anyone in your organization who you think would be interested and would benefit from attending.

Peter summarizes his talk this way:
“At the crossroads of ubiquitous computing and the Internet, information blurs the boundaries between products and services to enable cross-channel, trans-media, physical-digital user experiences. This offers an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine information architecture. Never before have we been able to employ such a powerful combination of networks, devices, and sensors to capture and share knowledge and to create meaningful user journeys. In this hour, we'll connect the dots between classic and cross-channel information architecture. We'll pay special attention to the integration of mobile and social into a ‘web strategy’ that's responsive and future-friendly, while also highlighting key relationships with content strategy, findability, analytics, and governance. And, we’ll explore how experience maps and ‘IA thinking’ can improve the process and product of information architecture and user experience design.”

Peter Morville is a writer, speaker, and consultant. He is best known for helping to create the discipline of information architecture. His bestselling books include Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Ambient Findability, and Search Patterns. He advises such clients as AT&T, HP, IBM, the Library of Congress, Macy's, Microsoft, the National Cancer Institute, Vodafone, and the Weather Channel. His work on information architecture and user experience strategy has been covered by Business Week, The Economist, Fortune, NPR, and The Wall Street Journal. Peter lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan with his wife, two daughters, and a dog named Knowsy. He blogs at findability.org<http://findability.org>.

Twitter ID: @morville

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