[WebPub] FW: lynda.com January 2012 newsletter

Mark A Wiklund mwiklund at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 13 15:17:53 EST 2012

Good afternoon,
I'm forwarding along a section of the New Releases section of this month's lynda.com newsletter. Amongst the usual releases of web & design courses, they are also coming out with new developer courses in Java, Jumbla, HTML5, and others. Also, a course on SEO (search engine optimization) might be of interest. From a business standpoint, there are courses in Project Management and Marketing. From an HR perspective there' s a new one called "Invaluable: Unlocking Your Abilities" about personal and career development.
I hope you are able to take advantage of the new "My Training" menu and learning profile features released to the MIT community on January 5, 2012. We'll be having an IAP presentation on these features Thursday, Jan. 19 from 11-12:00am at Stata 32-124. You can also learn more from the FAQ<http://ist.mit.edu/services/training/lynda> on our web page.
Please feel free to forward this on to others who might be interested. Questions, ideas, let me know.


Mark Wiklund
IS&T Training Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
mwiklund at mit.edu<mailto:mwiklund at mit.edu>   ~  617-253-0686
New releases
3D + animation


Digital Creature Creation in ZBrush, Photoshop, and Maya<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=cd65de4976a5db4c13d557915d5c3db39fb8f0c0d977b0f61f4ea1a1c0b7f953>
Author: Ryan Kittleson
Duration: 5h 11m


Blender 2.6 Essential Training<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=cd65de4976a5db4cd65a7d20c6c1eae89ffb44d5b6fe226e6caeaeba1b188cc9>
Author: George Maestri
Duration: 7h 26m



Foundations of Audio: Compression and Dynamic Processing<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=cd65de4976a5db4c56e79e47fb3014e982cc4ed95d8c1568ff8695d423f88374>
Author: Brian Lee White
Duration: 2h 26m


Finale 2012 Essential Training<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=cd65de4976a5db4cdc7ea64cd4a46648e65ce0ac728a087fe7b441101da9f5d9>
Author: Rick Schmunk
Duration: 06h 13m

business tools


Project Management Fundamentals<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=cd65de4976a5db4cfe3fb5af0f15e30633d95dcbb355d74c726fead091dd6a20>
Author: Bonnie Biafore
Duration: 2h 07m


iPhone and iPod Touch iOS 5 Essential Training<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=54ab470a1c88897755f103ee185bfbbbd8acd9566cd1b216ba132bf418bcf4d6>
Author: Garrick Chow
Duration: 6h 49m

online marketing


Online Marketing Fundamentals<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=54ab470a1c88897792ca29274430a669b7a16220ba15c67b838b364f29a6a633>
Author: Lorrie Thomas Ross
Duration: 01h 47m



Photoshop Masking & Compositing: Hair<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=54ab470a1c8889778e1483874f18f98ddf90d40f5dcb961a114fe971d8225115>
Author: Deke McClelland
Duration: 3h 06m


Ed Emberley, Children's Book Illustrator<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=54ab470a1c888977dc353dd4d710d279698c868691e36ac1f0b65d0faa87a431>
Author: Ed Emberley
Duration: 53m 58s


Photoshop for Designers: Color<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=54ab470a1c8889778c807500fb9cfba8a1ec5d3fd7ca2d22597cb2c4b7e9446d>
Author: Nigel French
Duration: 5h 11m



HTML5: File API in Depth<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=6a4890e3e0d8deb36e461fe562e1b48d5aecc81553efc2f3377fc0a4eeea41ab>
Author: Joe Marini
Duration: 59m 09s


iOS 5 SDK New Features<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=6a4890e3e0d8deb3e7a02a8b22a7d57b267b7801ab81f25e8900292ad5930e8c>
Author: Simon Allardice
Duration: 02h 16m


jQuery Mobile Essential Training<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=6a4890e3e0d8deb32448059c43e1727c70b15d9a665d372f8c124d671af5fb45>
Author: Joe Marini
Duration: 03h 11m


Java Essential Training<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=6a4890e3e0d8deb3aeba3317213e0d897f322e079c0a1b43413e7f3cf8ccd1de>
Author: David Gassner
Duration: 7h 10m

developer (continued)


Building Mobile Apps for Multiple Devices with Flash Professional<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=6a4890e3e0d8deb341135de9cfc3335f3cdb9a4f8dcb095ac20af33b074ddd36>
Author: Paul Trani
Duration: 2h 31m


HTML5: Background Processes with Web Workers<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=d35199377b62c971ff15a9cc831f9679a3bc1543f5593d531cdf486b2a5de374>
Author: Bill Weinman
Duration: 52m 11s



Narrative Portraiture: On Location in Texas with Keith Carter<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=d35199377b62c97151f14b12fba3047a3076b0b6aae90af9f6eae1e32331c6e0>
Author: Chris Orwig
Duration: 2h 52m


Foundations of Photography: Composition<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=d35199377b62c971b6cc0cea99d9f07e714953d8526d2f85e5816e5d7eb92d4a>
Author: Ben Long
Duration: 5h 36m



Premiere Pro and After Effects: Creating Title Graphics<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=d35199377b62c97100f4693f78d2a89cf148a051d4c860989c8c7b289c38db13>
Author: Chris Meyer and Trish Meyer
Duration: 26m 23s


Avid Media Composer 6 Essential Training<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=d35199377b62c9718888705208db26a645a960f167e23375c4e3ebacc2e357b3>
Author: Ashley Kennedy
Duration: 06h 56m


Color Correction in Final Cut Pro X<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e93f4edf9cf0f72d8e8dc34b0a66ff35694d8a0ab4ec52f04e254f779028d76d>
Author: Robbie Carman
Duration: 2h 40m


After Effects Apprentice 13: Paint and Puppet<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e93f4edf9cf0f72d7bf654d4a99afdc613e10e2d9200549eb79b506c27a97449>
Author: Chris Meyer and Trish Meyer
Duration: 2h 23m

web + interactive


Start with a Theme: Photography Portfolios in WordPress<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e93f4edf9cf0f72d1f55c7d6e63a8d2f43777e8f8448a6aca58930353579c490>
Author: Morten Rand-Hendriksen
Duration: 53m 02s


Improving SEO Using Accessibility Techniques<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e93f4edf9cf0f72d2ad22d5bdb565fa691f3ade5d2ed5f179e83285b3b8ddcf7>
Author: Morten Rand-Hendriksen
Duration: 02h 29m


Creating an HTML Email Newsletter<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e93f4edf9cf0f72da6ef1d0919dae7a9b4efe78090c9bab87c53b3a5f6af66ba>
Author: Tim Slavin
Duration: 55m 25s


Creating and Managing a Blog Network with WordPress<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=3e50a672ae57f22d7f4ebf486194a809a8a84ff4783be86f13347d47833172ca>
Author: Justin Seeley
Duration: 3h 25m


Create an Animated Bar Chart with jQuery and Dreamweaver<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=3e50a672ae57f22db01845f9434e9f0de68150a76769ce41880948dab40140e0>
Author: Chris Converse
Duration: 46m 35s


Create an Animated Bar Chart with jQuery<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=3e50a672ae57f22dd10456fa9ddf97749a0d3a6c67ba63d49a54b893aa9c5743>
Author: Chris Converse
Duration: 39m 36s


Joomla! 1.7: Access Control Lists in Depth<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=3e50a672ae57f22d2ed4205bca0a9a3ab53866cb507101975a19fe2a0ce2ca06>
Author: Jen Kramer
Duration: 3h 12m


Keep an eye on the site<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=3e50a672ae57f22df31239f0726de720b0c79e8f18f51c4aaa4607a796df35e9> for these and many other helpful new courses coming to the Online Training Library(r) soon:

  *   Drupal 7: Creating and Editing Custom Themes
  *   Outlook 2007: Time Management with Calendar and Tasks
  *   Foundations of Audio: EQ and Filters
  *   Invaluable: Unlocking Your Abilities
  *   Creating Long Documents with InDesign
  *   InDesign Tables in Depth
  *   Design Projects: Restaurant Menu
  *   HTML5: Document Editing in Depth
  *   Infographics: Planning and Wireframing
  *   Foundations of Audio: Delay and Modulation
  *   Pro Tools 10 Essential Training
  *   Effective PowerPoint: Business Presentations
  *   CSS: Styling Forms
  *   View Source
  *   HTML5: Messaging and Communications in Depth
  *   Infographics: Visualizing Relationships
  *   Titanium Mobile App Development Essential Training
  *   Cinema 4D R13 New Features
  *   Switching from Windows to Mac [Updated for 2012]
  *   Infographics: Area Bubbles
  *   Illustrator Insider Training: Type and Text

Testimonials of the month

Best $25 I spend
Just two months ago, I became unemployed and knew I needed to spend money to get myself to the "next" level. This $25 was the best I could have ever spent! I have spent hours relearning things I had forgotten and solidifying my confidence in what I do know. You simply might have saved my life-and I mean that most sincerely.
-Claudia W.

Thanks for transcripts
Your site has given me an amazing renewal of long-lost inspiration not only for learning but also for being creative. I feel I have my creativity back for the first time in many, many years. This is no small thing! I can't thank you all enough.
-Louise L.

Read more great feedback<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=3e50a672ae57f22d7c1a7ada7de3b8d07c7626dc205ba35d94717ec467859109>.

Tip of the month

[Tip of the Month]<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e85a54081b29fb5b28b57358b6f79c3350b77582a2b59188e0b8fcb5ef29481f>

There are five major processes of project management.

The five processes of project management from Project Management Fundamentals

Organizing a project into separate, defined steps can make a seemingly daunting task run smoothly and efficiently. The Project Management Institute categorizes project management into five major processes:

Initiating is all about the getting the commitment to start a project. Basically, we answer the questions what problem are we solving? and how are we going to solve this problem?

The planning stage is where you figure out how you're going to perform the project. We answer the questions what is our plan? and how will we know when you're done?

Now it's time to put your plan into action. The executing process starts with launching a project. You bring your people onboard, introduce them to one another, get them settled in, and explain the rules you'll use to run the project.

Monitoring & controlling
Monitoring and controlling a project is your ongoing responsibility to see if a project is going according to plan, and if it isn't, you work out ways to get it back on track.

The closing process is short, but important. In this step, you get the client to accept that the project is complete. You document the project performance, gather lessons learned, close contracts, and help resources move on to their next assignments.

By organizing your project into separate, definable processes, you'll be better equipped to evaluate where you are in a project, what other resources you need, and how close you are to completing your project.

If you're interested in learning more about effective project management, check out
Project Management Fundamentals<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e85a54081b29fb5b059e60a137d2026faecf2432c6c8438aa0123bd580294c36>.

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Thanks very much for reading our news.

We forever appreciate your support. Happy learning!

(c) 1995-2012 lynda.com, Inc. All rights reserved.
For questions regarding anything in this newsletter, please send an email to marketing at lynda.com<mailto:marketing at lynda.com>.


This email was sent by: lynda.com<mailto:lynda.com>
6410 Via Real Carpinteria, CA, 93013, USA

This email was intended for: mwiklund at MIT.EDU<mailto:mwiklund at MIT.EDU>
Manage your subscriptions or unsubscribe<http://click.e.lynda.com/?qs=e85a54081b29fb5b7c7deb4a46db722b7c221b5c756389da7db9a14b61ee049c>.

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