[WebPub] New blog: Social Media at MIT

Stephanie Hatch hatch_s at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 29 12:29:08 EST 2012

Hi everyone –

The new blog Social Media at MIT<http://mitsocialmedia.wordpress.com> is live!

  *   Check it out here: http://mitsocialmedia.wordpress.com

  *   Robyn Fizz wrote a great article about it on IS&T news: http://ist.mit.edu/news/social_media_at_MIT

  *   Retweet the announcement: http://twitter.com/#!/hatchsteph/status/174607229050290177 and http://twitter.com/#!/MIT_ISTnews/status/174534580324409344

This is a resource for communicators at MIT to help them in their social media efforts. If you would like to subscribe to receive regular emails from me about social media, please let me know.

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Stephanie Hatch
Social Media & Email Marketing Specialist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Communication Production Services<http://web.mit.edu/cps/>
twitter<http://twitter.com/hatchsteph>  .  blog<http://mitsocialmedia.wordpress.com>  .  contact<http://web.mit.edu/bin/cgicso?query=stephanie+hatch>  .  toolkit<http://commtoolkit.mit.edu/resources/socialmedia>

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