[WebPub] troubleshooting

Mark J Pearrow mpearrow at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 21 08:20:38 EDT 2011

Hi Monique,

This is a fairly common issue. A good starting point for learning why this happens and how to circumvent it is here:


The ad blockers are working as, um, advertised. But you can do several things to mark key images as non-spam. Unfortunately, this leads to an arms race of adspammers using workarounds, adblockers becoming more aggressive, ad infinitum. 

So to some extent if people use ad blockers they are just going to miss out on content. Most of the folks I know who use ad blocking software know this and accept it as a cost. This underscores the importance, though, of not relying solely on visual information to convey crucial messages.



On Oct 20, 2011, at 5:14 PM, Monique Yeaton wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it appropriate to ask this list for help on trouble shooting an issue on a website my husband is building?
> This is the comp (static image): http://thehypelab.com/clients/robbins/robbins-2/index.html 
> This is what is happening on dev: http://robbins.thehypelab.com/
> Apparently if you have ad-blocker on, the large image does not show up behind the sliding banner. 
> Any ideas how to get around that, so that even if ad blocker is on, the image appears?
> Thanks,
> Monique
> =========================
> Monique Yeaton
> IT Security Communications Consultant
> MIT Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
> (617) 253-2715
> http://ist.mit.edu/security
> <ATT00001..c>

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